Erinç Albey, PhD

M.S. : Boğaziçi University, Industrial Engineering 2006
Exchange student at University of Texas at Austin, 2002
B.S. : Boğaziçi University, Industrial Engineering 2004
Research Interests
Mathematical Modeling & Optimization, Simulation, Heuristics, Manufacturing Systems, Production Planning and Control, Capacity Modeling. Forecasting, Statistical Analysis of Big Data, Business Analytics
Refereed Journal Papers
- Albey, E., Bilge, Ü. and Uzsoy, R. "An exploratory study of disaggregated clearing functions for production systems with multiple products", International Journal of Production Research , (ahead-of-print), 1-22, 2014.
- Kang, Y., Albey, E., Hwang S. and Uzsoy, R. "The impact of lot-sizing in multiple product environments with congestions", Journal of Manufacturing Systems , (available online), 2014.
- Bilge, Ü., Albey, E., Besikci U., Erbatur K. and Arslan, A. N. "Mathematical models for FMS loading and part type selection with flexible process plans", European Journal of Industrial Engineering , (forthcoming), 2014.
- Albey, E. and Bilge, Ü. "A hierarchical approach to FMS planning and control with capacity anticipation", International Journal of Production Research, 49 (11), 3319-3342, 2011.
- Bilge, Ü., M. Fırat and E. Albey, "A parametric fuzzy logic approach to dynamic part routing under full routing flexibility", Computers and Industrial Engineering, 55,15-33, 2008.
Contact Information
Phone (Office): +90(216)564 96 80
Address: Ozyegin University Çekmeköy Kampüsü Nişantepe Mah. Orman Sk. 34794 Çekmeköy - İstanbul
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Phone (Office): +90(216)564 96 80
Address: Ozyegin University Çekmeköy Kampüsü Nişantepe Mah. Orman Sk. 34794 Çekmeköy - İstanbul
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